The Fennimore Family of Somerset and Morris Counties New Jersey A DNA Project – Autosomal Triangulation
I’ve completed painting my matches, all 106 attributed to my Third Grandparents, William Fennimore and Mary Day
I’ve completed painting my matches, all 106 attributed to my Third Grandparents, William Fennimore and Mary Day
Experimenting with DNA Painter, using my Fennimore Gedmatch results
Using GEDmatch to analyze kits from different DNA testing companies. In this post; privacy considerations and my ancestry DNA matches found in GEDmatch
A rainy summer weekend. My favorite outdoor activity, kayaking is off the agenda. That means more time for genealogy! However, I had promised myself I would not do any further research until I scanned the pile of wills, deeds, and NYC vital records collecting dust on my desk. Once that is complete then I could
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